Personal Development Plan - The Essentials Of Getting Results

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this video I'm going to give you a personal development plan alright so let's talk about personal development plans what does this involve what is a personal element plan how do you do personal development how do you actually do it this is super fascinating topic for me this is something I've been researching very heavily for the last five years really for the last five years of my life doing a lot of personal development and looking for the best ways to accomplish it how do I actually get the results one of the biggest challenges I've found is that you start reading some of these books and some of the going to some of these seminars and maybe buying some of these self-development products watching some videos etc and what you start to notice is that you're not quite getting the results that are promised you're not quite getting the results that you wanted from yourself and that you're still stuck basically where you were and and so to get yourself unstuck if you get yourself moving forward and get those awesome results there are some things that need to be happening it's actually a very very deep topic it's not something I could cover in one video it's not something I can even cover in five videos all my videos are ultimately showing you how to do personal development and are creating a very very big picture personal development plan so ultimately here's a solution to this and I've been researching personal development now for five years like I said I've processed over $100,000 worth of person development material from very expensive exclusive seminars to hundreds of books to audio programs video programs like you name it so I've covered so much of this stuff and I have a very big picture in my head of how this looks how does this look from a you know 10,000 foot bird's-eye view sort of perspective and I think it's very important to have that perspective because until you understand how it works you're not going to be able to get results you might have a little technique here that you use but then either fall off track you might have a little strategy here that you go and you try to implement and maybe it works for you a little bit but then ultimately your life doesn't transform and so to get those transform a tional results that's where you need to to see the big picture and so that's one of the reasons that I found it actualize not org you know my whole website the my youtube channel all of that is about giving you the big picture but what I need to tell you is that this is a deep topic like I said and that you're not going to you're not going to you're not going to fix that with one video really if you want the ultimate solution first of all this is a bit self-serving plug for myself but watch all of my content I mean most of it is free I literally have probably close to a hundred hours now maybe 50 to 100 hours if not more depending on when you're watching this of material either for free about very deep topics that have cost me a lot of money too and a lot of time to research and to understand and to bring those nuggets out kind of into the open and just share it with you guys literally some of the some of the gold that I bring to you I take from ten thousand dollar seminars ten thousand dollar trainings alright so take it very seriously but I think the the best way that I would do it if I was doing it from your position is I would subscribe to all the stuff that I've got and I would watch it I would watch it again and again again and I actually have done this not with personal twelve men in general but in other areas of my life when I wanted to master something I would go and I would finally get a really good YouTube channel of someone who is very knowledgeable about it now would subscribe to that person or follow all their stuff and look at it again and again and again until I kind of drilled it into my mind right and I do that with the seminars that I watch and the books that I read like I drill and drill and drill in order to really soak it all in to develop a mental model of how this stuff works that makes it much easier to follow through on it because you know where you're going you know what kind of what the pitfalls are etc so that's kind of that's kind of where I'm leading you to is to start watching this stuff because if you're really serious about finding a personal development plan then I'm going to give you a bare-bones one right now but it's going to be very bare-bones and you have a very difficult time really understanding the depth of it and the profound effect they can have on your life you're just not going to buy into it you're not getting motivated to follow through and you're probably they're not going to know the specific details because to outline all those takes a lot of time and frankly a lot of my videos already have outlined that stuff act if you're really serious I have the personal velvet blueprint that's on my website at actualized org slash blueprint and that that has been I spent the last six months taking all the personal notes that I've compiled from all this research and distilling it down and I wanted to find about a hundred of the most important principles and concepts for how to do personal development like what are the most critical essential things without which you cannot be successful or fulfilled in life in any area of your life and I distilled those I found those a lot of research and I'm constantly updating that thing and putting in more and more knowledge as I'm doing even more research and I'm going to be filling that thing up with videos and a lot of exercise files other stuff so go ahead and check that out at actualizado sauce blueprint that is my version of the personal development plan but even that you look at it you know right now it's like 100 maybe 110 or even 120 points deep and each one of those points is a super deep principle that can take you months maybe even years to master so there's there's so much depth here and this is not a bad thing it's actually a really good thing this means that these are all tools you know each one of these principles the each one of these bullet points is a tool that you can use to revolutionize and transform your life it's quite amazing I haven't really seen anything else out there that's this comprehensive so go ahead and check that out it's free might as well check it out but I'm going to give you even an even more bare-bones plan right now right so check out the blueprint and everything watch everything on this channel watch all the free stuff that I've cut coming to you watch all my videos but then here's the bare-bones plan if I was doing personal development here's what I would say the kind of you know the the low-level tactics are the techniques that you should be using alright so first of all I think it's critically important if you're very serious about personal development getting results from it is to have that big picture you need to basically learn the big picture that's going to take some time that's going to take you reading some books it's going to take you following my stuff watching all my videos multiple times that's going to take you reading other people's stuff go into other blogs you know watching other videos about personal development that's going to you going out there and kind of trying a little bit here and there but ultimately just building a picture what does this look like why are you doing it how have people done it in the past are there principles to being successful and happy in life and if it there are like what are they and what is the consensus you need to kind of build a model in your own mind I've got a model in my mind but that's me right so my model might be different from yours and just because I gave you my model doesn't mean that you can appreciate it the same way as if you built it up yourself so you have to do a little bit of that legwork too right I can give you a lot of gold and stuff that will shortcut that process you don't have to spend five years doing it but you have to spend some time doing it don't think that you can just now slack off look at that list of you know like go to the blueprint look at that list and all of a sudden just kind of like look at it once and you're good no that's not going to do anything for you you need to look at that list multiple times you need to then go to other sources as well and paint a picture in your own mind of how this process is going to look and create basically a personal building plan for yourself it has to be tailored to you something's very personal so that's where I would start is there that's part of your bare-bones plan is to understand the plan right the next point that I would say is vision you need to have vision vision and goals what is your ultimate vision for your life for what you want out of your life and what are some of the goals you have set for yourself you have to sit down and do some goal-setting you're going to have to come up with a very powerful vision that's going to motivate you and push you through all the challenging obstacles that are going to come your way why are you doing personal development you know what is it really going to add to your life how is it going to improve your life you got to answer these questions for yourself need to be very methodical about them coaching is very good for this I'm a life coach I'd love to coach people on these topics professionally because I feel like a lot of people get stuck on this vision and goal-setting process it's a lot it can be a lot more perilous than it seems on the surface so coaching is great for that if you're stuck the next one the next one is I'd say unhook from distractions right now if you're struggling in your life and I would say that you I can pretty much guess that you have at least two three maybe five or ten major distractions in your life they're just robbing you of your energy robbing you of your fulfillment and robbing you of your time you might be saying yourself well I don't have time to study this and learn books and read your 100-point blueprint multiple times and watch all your videos I don't have time for that well you do have time for it the question is what are all the what are all the things are doing right now that you really shouldn't be doing watching television hanging out with friends that are negative people that are holding you back all the different psychological crutches and addictions you have to food to internet all the time that you're wasting right you have to start to look at those things and start to unhook yourself unhook from all the distractions the video games the internet the porn the the TV you're watching well this stuff is just a huge time sink and an energy sink and not only is it taking time away from the positive work that you will be doing through personal development but it's also actually putting you into low consciousness state so it's making very difficult for you to follow any sort of plan even if I gave you a perfect plan you just probably wouldn't be able to follow it because of those things so get yourself off of those distractions and addictions the next thing is build positive habits it's a very broad a very broad category of you know an activity but basically you need to start putting habits into place in your life that are supporting you supporting your vision supporting your goals supporting your life purpose you need to you know what does that have it for you I don't know it's gonna be different other people for different people so maybe for you to have it go into the gym or a habit of doing some yoga or habit of reading every every night for an hour a habit of meditation a habit of journaling a habit of waking up on time or a habit of waking up earlier than you currently do a habit of going to sleep on time you know positive things positive things that you could be doing to to really to push yourself forward and sultanate lee where your personal moment plan is going to be consists of is various positive habits that you're working on okay the next point I would say is live purpose this goes along with vision and goals but deserves its own mention life purpose what is your purpose in life if you don't have a purpose in life then what is your plan going to lead you towards it's going to lead you round in circles you have no direction you have no sense of direction your energy your thoughts are not going to be concentrated towards anything and life purposes of D - ah - topic of finding out life purpose I've really struggled with a lot myself and in my my own journey to find my own purpose which I'm now very solidly on track with I've discovered a lot of kind of tricks and secrets about how that should be done so my purpose is very important the next one I would say is journaling this is kind of a more of a you know a little tactic that that I can offer you is journaling is you need to journal more part of your personal moment plan should involve journaling journal all the time journal every single day it does have to be for a long time you know just for 5 or 10 minutes could be enough but just start to get your thoughts out start to be more introspective and do it in a way where you can refer back to it so it's on paper I have other videos to talk about journaling so I'm not going to get into all the details here meditation that's the next point I think that any solid personal moment plan must include a daily habit of meditation whether it's for ten minutes thirty minutes or an hour I personally do an hour every day maybe you want to start off with something like 20 minutes it's what I recommend I have other videos to talk about meditation but that's a really important element and the final element that I would say which is super super critical is to start to learn and to work with programming your subconscious mind this is such a powerful idea I really discovered it only about a year ago and it started using it my own life to get some ridiculous results and I don't even know how you can do personal development without this and this is just basically the idea that you need to start to understand what your subconscious mind is and use various techniques and strategies for whe reshaping it reprogramming it finding the negative beliefs that you've got the limiting beliefs that are holding you back start to work those out introspect about them kind of psychoanalyze them pull them out rip them out and then reprogram yourself so that you've got positive beliefs instilled in you right and this can be used this can be done with with various tactics from affirmations visualizations other stuff that really I can't go into here because that's such a deep deep topic it to do that properly takes take some training and again seeing that big picture like we talked about so that would be my personal development plan bare bones if I say I had to pick just like the top ten things this is it learn the big picture have a vision goals unhook yourself from distractions build positive habits have a life purpose Journal meditate and then reprogram your subconscious mind if you do those things Wow your life will be so so different that you will be shocked it'll be hard for you to believe where you came from you'll literally look back a few years later it's not going to happen in one day so I can have in a week or a month but over the course of a couple of years you'll look back and you'll see and your life will be so different that you'll you know kind of like you'll you'll do a facepalm kind of thing and you're like wow that's that's incredible I can't believe other people aren't doing this aren't people other people aren't following a personal development the way that I've been following it so that's a it's going to be a profound moment for you and at that point you're really going to be bought in and you're going to keep growing and growing and growing and your potential Wow you can you can go really high if you do that you'll go really high in business go really high in career and you'll go really high with your personal relationships and your whole life your satisfaction with your whole life will just skyrocket it's quite incredible so that's it I'm signing off that's what I have to say about personal moment plan if you're really serious about it go ahead and check out the blueprint it's free actualize that word slash blueprint and also you can start taking action on some of these points on my bare bones plan that I gave you here and if you're really really serious about it then talk to me about coaching check out my my my coaching page at actualize I work because I love to coach people on this stuff we give you action plans I go through all these points tell you exactly all the pieces that you can get to into place so that you're not fumbling around so many people out there are fumbling around they try this they try that but they don't stick with it because they don't know what they're doing they don't know if it's going to lead them anywhere they don't have the confidence to follow through and they don't get anywhere so coaching is for people who are really serious about getting results very very quickly right what will take you 3 years on your own with with a coach you can get in 3 months it's a it's quite insane so consider that as well alright I'm signing off post your comments down below leave me your your feedback and then of course like this share this click the like button right now if you like this and then go and like I said check out actualise that'll work but specifically subscribe to our newsletter it's free I'm releasing new videos articles other goodies for free every single week exclusive to my subscribers so go ahead and check that stuff out sign up and you're going to be getting all those updates you're going to be set and if you're serious about personal development then you want to be following that stuff this is something that has to become a habit something that you're immersed in this is not one video you watch like I said this is you need an onslaught right watch all my videos and all the new ones that are coming out because it's what I'm doing is I'm hammering you I'm kind of hammering your brain with what it needs in order to start making changes big changes in your life so sign up you can't really miss out there in fact when you sign up you get some exclusive bonuses right now you get a 19 part video series just for signing up about how to start busting your top limiting beliefs and you also get a chance to win two hours of free coaching with me which I give away to one of my subscribers every single month you